Why subscribe to Make?

Subscribe to Massive Adoption’s Make if you want to receive a daily tip on how to earn Bitcoin, an innovative way of stacking sats or information on a new employer who pays salaries in crypto.

We’re on a mission to learn how to acquire Bitcoin and digital assets without using national currencies to pay for them and we’ll be sharing our learnings with you.

The early bird gets the worm

There’s something magical about getting in on the ground floor of something new. We hope you’ll join us in learning how to get your hands on more Bitcoin and digital assets without using fiat to purchase them.

A short daily action item and a longer edition on Sunday

Every workday you’ll receive a single idea on how to make some Bitcoin or stack some sats or earn another cryptocurrency and then on Sunday we’ll go long with more background, some interviews and more ideas.

Free for at least the very distant future

There are no plans to charge for this newsletter. This does not mean that it won’t happen, but it does mean that if it ever happens it’ll be a long time for now.


While we are not legally liable for the ideas presented in Make, we will do our best to present tried and true ways of making Bitcoin and other digital assets, many of which we’ve tested personally. We’ll do our best to avoid a lot of the scammy things going on online and help you earn crypto in a safe and honest manner.

Share your success

If you’re successfully earning in Bitcoin or making crypto please feel free to share your success with us. If you’d like maybe we’ll interview you for our expanded Sunday edition of the newsletter or get you involved in another way. Please email me at any time.

Subscribe to Make

A quick daily flash email about how to make / get paid in / acquire Bitcoin and digital assets without buying them


Helping you #stacksats, earn crypto, paid in Bitcoin and everything else. Accumulate and win.